"Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19

"Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Uganda Day 6- Women’s Conference, Olympic Day for Primary

The Men and Monica did an amazing Olympic day for the primary school. They had 350 of the kids walk with them about 30 minutes to a near by soccer field. They organized the kids into teams and had relay competitions. They gave each of the kids a medal for the participation and the kids had so much fun getting off campus and getting to do something different. The older kids had a soccer match and an in the middle of the game a grazing cow walked onto the field. There were many great conversations with kids while walking with them and fun for all who were there. 

The Women had a wonderful day at the Women’s Conference. Three hundred women came to Pastor Dongo’s church for 2 sessions and it was packed with no empty seats. The praise and worship from Abby and Sarah was amazing! The ladies danced and shouted to God, they have such a heart for Him! They are totally sold out to praise Him and there is no barriers between them and God. The Met Women served as a prayer team at the end of the session and we had 75 women in each of our lines waiting in the aisle to pray with us. They asked us to pray for healing, money for food and housing, and especially to be able to provide for their kids. There were very so thankful for everything we have done for them. There were so many God stories that I can’t even write them all down. We left the day very exhausted but we have never felt more energized and encouraged to see the presence of God. The ladies from the bush brought us lots of food, they said they just couldn’t show up empty handed. We were so touched because we know food is a very precious commodity. They were so excited because this is such a big event for them and they were all dress up in their very best.

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