"Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19

"Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19

Monday, March 3, 2014

Uganda Day 7- Church Services, Women’s Conference, High School Olympics

We all attended both morning services at Pastor Dongo’s Church KPC, and we were blown away by their amazing worship! Many of the kids we know from the schools that do not board came and we loved meeting their families or who they live with. I was able to speak at the church services and spoke to them on “Prayer Changes Everything” and they were so receptive and encouraged. They are very engaged and expressive during the service and eager to learn. Abby and Sarah led worship with their worship leader and taught them a couple of new songs. I am not sure who enjoyed it more, the congregation or Abby and Sarah!
Sarah and Abby leading worship at KPC.

Duane introducing our team.

Darrick telling a funny story about me...he and Dongo thought they were very funny!

Mary and interpreter John Paul. He deserves and award keeping up with me!
Abby with one of her favorites!
The Women’s Conference was a huge success. There were 400 ladies who attended the last session and many sat on the stage and outside to hear, we were hoping they would come back. Did I mention it was at 3:00 pm and very hot, no A/C and these women really dress up in silk! Abby and Sarah lead worship and even participated in the tribal dance on the stage with them. The ladies thought they were so funny and impressed that they could keep up with them. During one of the songs, Deep Cries Out, they picked up their chairs and held them in the air so they could dance! They were so fun! There were 100 ladies from the bush who slept in the basement at the church and we were able to give them a special treat for their trip.

Mary giving Florence a Thank You bag for organizing such a fabulous event.

Mary teaching and Florence interpreting.

Ladies entering the basement to spend the night.

The High School Olympics were fun and exciting. They competed in relay events and 100-meter dash. The grand finale was a soccer game or as they call it, “Football Match on the Pitch.” We were impressed with the abilities of the kids despite the rough terrain. They would take their shoes off and run, and they are very fast, even though they are running over rocks and sticks! They are the toughest kids and never complain about anything, even if they fall or are hit with something. We hung new basketball nets and left balls and equipment for them to use. Bob taught the kids how to play Frisbee and they enjoyed learning a new sport despite the chaos. They repeatedly told us they appreciated us coming and leading such a special day for them. One of our favorite days and everyone was blessed!

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